Welcome to the Haunted Mansion!

Addition Equations True False – 1st Grade

Watch first

Here are objects that are found inside the haunted house. Be safe as you move around inside the 360 VR tour. Go below to start the escape room.


If the answer is  “A  find the number on or around this object.


If the answer is  “B  find the number on or around this object.


If the answer is  “C  find the number on or around this object.


If the answer is  “D  find the number on or around this object.


You may want a piece of paper to solve problems.

Question #1

Is this equation true or false?

7 + 6 = 13

        A)  True                     B)  False

A)   Statue

B)   Cauldron


Question #2

Is this equation true or false?

6 + 6 = 14

        A)  True                     B)  False

A)   Skeleton

B)   Broom


Type the numbers from the objects to get your first clue. Write the clues down as you will need all of them to unlock the master lock.

Clue Box

Question #3

Is this equation true or false?

3 + 6 = 9

        A)  True                     B)  False

A)   Spider

B)   Wizard Hat

Question #4

Is this equation true or false?

4 + 6 = 11

        A)  True                     B)  False

A)   Coffin

B)   Skeleton

Type in the numbers to get your clue.

Clue Box

Question #5

Is this equation true or false?

8 + 6 = 13

        A)  True                     B)  False

A)   Treasure

B)   Gravestone

Type in the numbers to get your clue.

Clue Box

Input all the clues to escape the room.


Did you escape?

Share your results with your teacher and parents. Tell them what the Master Lock was and where the key was found.